- F. Ciotti – G. Roncaglia, Il mondo digitale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2006, only the following parts (including the boxes, unless differently advertised): introduzione; capp. I (excluding the boxes at pp. 41-44); II; III; IV (excluding the box at pp. 106-107) up to p. 109 (‘Telecomunicazioni e computer’ included); V: only pp. 137-153 and 159-170; VI: only pp. 181-191 (up to ‘Dal reale al virtuale e ritorno’ to be excluded); VII; VIII: pp. 279-285, 288-298; IX: 321-325; X: 364-369, 373-386;
- F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Carocci 2008.
Additional, not mandatory reading suggestions will be provided during the course.
Students who could not attend the classes will also add:
- Tito Orlandi, Informatica testuale: teoria e prassi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010.
It will also be possible to agree on other texts for the exam on the basis of specific interests.