General introduction.
Key concepts about the Arab-Islamic culture: « muslim » and « Arab » world ; geographical introduction to the Arab speaking countries ; history of the Arabic language ; languages of the Muslim world ; linguistic situation of the contemporary Arab countries and diglossia.
Text : MION G., La lingua araba. Nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (chapters 1, 2 and 3).
The Arabic alphabet; gender, construct state, pronouns, declension, nominal sentence, number, nominal agreement, demonstratives, relatives, verbal system verbale (mādī, mudāri‘ marfū‘, mansūb, mağzūm, amr, ism al-fā‘il, ism al-maf‘ūl, masdar).
Text: DURAND O., LANGONE A.D., MION G., Corso di arabo contemporaneo, Milano, Hoepli, 2010.