Course: Geography I
Scientific disciplinary sector: M-GGR/01
he contents of the course are as follows:
The concept of region and territory;
Geography of the population;
Urban geography;
Geography of Languages;
Geography of Religions;
Geography of development;
Geography of the environment;
Geography of agriculture;
Geography of industry;
Geography of services.
Political Geography.
Reference books:
1) Fouberg E.H., Murphy A.B., De Blij H.J., Geografia umana. Cultura,
società, spazio, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2010
2) Barbina G., La geografia delle lingue, Roma, Carocci, 2010
Additional material covered in the lectures will be made available by the professor on the university portal to his personal page.
The aim of this course is to provide the interpretative bases for analyzing
the main phenomena of human activity on the territory.
In particular, the systemic correlations of environmental, economic,
political, cultural and social factors will be highlighted.
Particular attention will be given to the geography of languages as a key
element in the characterization of cultural identities.
The assessment of the learning of the course topics will take place by oral