"G. d'Annunzio"
Knowledge of the basic structures of grammar and syntax of the Arabic language
-To perfect and carefully examine the fundamentals of morphology and syntax -Reading and understanding of texts (with particular attention to lexical aspects: home, health, weather, food, holidays). -Development of lexical knowledge and deepening of the grammatical one -Capacity of drafting simple texts Apri in Google Traduttore
The following grammatical aspects will be examined:
-use of mansub and majzum -use of inna and her sisters - the relative sentence - the derived forms of the verb -the deaf verb, of first weak, of medium weak and derived forms - the numerals - the indefinite - degrees of certainty - incoative verbs - the vocative
-Reading and understanding of texts (with particular attention to lexical aspects: home, health, weather, food, holidays) -Development of lexical knowledge and deepening of the grammatical one -Capacity of drafting simple texts
- Alma Salem, Cristina Solimando Imparare l'arabo conversando Carocci editore, Roma , 2012 » Pagine/Capitoli: capitoli 3,4 - Laura Veccia Vaglieri, Maria Avino, Grammatica teorico- pratica della lingua araba
-Lectures are accompanied by group exercises for gradual learning - Viewing of audio-visual material
The final written and oral exam will be preceded by ongoing tests to monitor the gradual learning of students
Notes provided by the teacher. In-depth and self-assessment materials available online.